3:32AM Sat. Jul. 27, 2024 Eastern -- US Markets are Closed

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Top Gainers This Week
(week of July 27, 2024)
Rank   Username Percentage Gain
11   ethanSpencer   95.65%
12   BalykiLLC   92.81%
13   Krissy   92.52%
14   krissy   92.52%
15   forcefan7094   92.46%
16   Mario45   90.16%
17   kiran   89.41%
18   KIRAN   89.41%
19   shamore   87.20%
20   matkcc   86.94%
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MSFT: Microsoft Corporation $442.57
IBM: International Business Machines $152.58
INTC: Intel Corporation $33.85
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ORCL: Oracle Corporation $103.66
AAPL: Apple Inc. $207.15
PFE: Pfizer, Inc. $30.84
XOM: Exxon Mobil Corporation $109.45
GE: General Electric Company $161.05
JPM: JP Morgan Chase & Co. $189.53